Тренировочный вариант №8 ВПР 2025 по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ 7 класс

Тренировочный вариант №8 ВПР 2025 по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ 7 класс. ВПР 2025 Английский язык 7 класс Тренировочные варианты. Всероссийская проверочная работа по АНГЛИЙСКОМУ 2025 7 класс.

1. Вы услышите диалог. Для каждого предложения А–Е выберите один правильный вариант ответа из трёх предложенных (1, 2 или 3). Вы услышите запись дважды. При повторном прослушивании проверьте себя.

A. The girl is buying a present for her __________.

  1. grandmother
  2. aunt
  3. sister

B. She decides to buy a __________.

  1. bracelet
  2. scarf
  3. perfume

C. The price of the scarf is __________.

  1. $18
  2. $25
  3. $32

D. The girl pays with __________.

  1. cash
  2. a credit card
  3. a gift card

E. The shop assistant offers to __________.

  1. wrap the scarf in a gift box
  2. give her a small discount
  3. add a free keychain

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


2. Прочитайте текст. Для каждого предложения А–Е выберите один правильный вариант ответа из четырёх предложенных (1, 2, 3 или 4).

Dear Sarah,

How are you? Last weekend, I visited my cousin Emily in another city. It was a long train ride, but I enjoyed looking at the beautiful countryside. When I arrived, Emily and I went to a museum that had an exhibition about space exploration. It was fascinating to see real astronaut suits and moon rocks!

After the museum, we had lunch at a small restaurant where they served the best pasta I’ve ever eaten. In the evening, we took a walk along the river and watched the city lights reflecting on the water. It was such a peaceful moment.

On Sunday, we stayed at home and baked a cake together. I had never baked before, so Emily showed me how to mix the ingredients properly. It turned out delicious!

What did you do last weekend?


A. Where did Jessica go last weekend?

  1. To the beach
  2. To visit her cousin in another city
  3. To a football match
  4. To a theme park

B. What was Jessica’s favorite part of the museum?

  1. The dinosaur skeletons
  2. The space exploration exhibition
  3. The ancient paintings
  4. The history of the city

C. What did Jessica and her cousin do on Sunday?

  1. Went shopping
  2. Baked a cake
  3. Played board games
  4. Took a boat ride

D. Why was the walk by the river special?

  1. The weather was very warm
  2. The city lights reflected on the water
  3. They saw many street performers
  4. They met new friends

E. What was difficult for Jessica?

  1. Walking a long distance
  2. Baking for the first time
  3. Carrying her luggage
  4. Eating unfamiliar food

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска, обозначенного буквами А–Е, нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из четырёх предложенных вариантов (1, 2, 3 или 4).

A Visit to the Countryside

Last summer, my parents and I A_____ my grandparents’ house in the countryside. The fresh air and quiet surroundings were a nice change from the busy city.

Every morning, my grandfather B_____ us how to take care of the garden. He has many different plants and flowers.

One afternoon, we C_____ a picnic near a river. The water was so clear that we could see the fish swimming!

In the evenings, we sat outside and D_____ the stars. It was amazing to see so many of them in the night sky.

I really E_____ my visit and can’t wait to go back next year!


  1. go
  2. visited
  3. visits
  4. visit


  1. taught
  2. teach
  3. teaches
  4. teaching


  1. had
  2. having
  3. has
  4. have


  1. watched
  2. watching
  3. watches
  4. watch


  1. enjoy
  2. enjoying
  3. enjoyed
  4. enjoys

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4. Вы получили электронное письмо. Ниже приведён отрывок из этого письма.

From: Ethan@mail.uk
To: YourEmail@mail.ru
Subject: Travel


I love traveling to new places! My favorite trip was when I visited France with my family. Have you ever traveled to another city or country? Where did you go? What was the most interesting thing about the trip?

Write back soon!


Напишите ему ответное письмо объёмом 80–90 слов, ответьте на три его вопроса. Оформите свой ответ в соответствии с правилами оформления письма. Не пишите адрес и дату. Не забудьте поблагодарить друга за полученное письмо.