Тренировочный вариант ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку №8 с ответами

Тренировочный вариант ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку №8 с ответами «ЕГЭ 100 БАЛЛОВ». Пробные варианты ЕГЭ по английскому языку 2022.





Примеры некоторых заданий из варианта

10. Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
1. Women’s Fashion
2. Ways of Moving Around the City
3. The City of Walls and Secrets
4. City’s Life Is Its Residents’ Lives
5. Selling, Preparing and Consuming Food
6. City of Contrasts
7. Each Gender Has Its Own Occupation
8. Variety of Sounds
A. The city of Fez — the third largest metropolis in Morocco — has expanded far beyond its original 9th-century borders and has modernised in many ways. But its medieval medina, the oldest market in the world, remains the heart of the city, a Unesco World Heritage site that houses a maze of narrow, twisting streets where people gather, shop, eat and pray. Fez’s medina is also a perfect place to uncover the stories, and the secrets, of the people who live and work behind its walls. As author Paul Bowles, who lived in Tangier for 52 years, wrote: «The blank wall is Fez’s symbol, but it is this very secretiveness, which gives the city its quality.»
B. «In the medina, the freshest food is set on the Earth to be sold,» said Merieme Zared, a tour guide and cooking instructor with Cafe Clock, referring to how vendors place their produce on the ground. The food’s proximity to the earth, she explained, represents its closeness to it. In the Al Achabine souk, tiny restaurants abound, cooking food from these fresh ingredients. They sell fried fish marinated in charmoula, a traditional Moroccan marinade; and thick bissara, a soup made with fava beans. Around the corner, smoke billows from a grill cooking meat kebabs; inside the restaurant, with barely enough room for the cook to move, men sit crammed around a small table, eating meat and bread with their hands.
C. «Balak, balak,» the donkey drivers shout to clear the way as the animals carry goods in and out of the medina. Cars are not allowed into Fez’s old city and couldn’t fit through the streets if they tried; residents make do with getting around on foot. In Bowles’ 1955 novel The Spider’s House, set in Fez, he wrote that being without cars means that adhering to a schedule is impossible. After all, when you are on foot, unexpected events like a running into a friend can happen on the way.
D. From the city’s rooftops, the medina is part cacophony, part harmony. Looking over the streets, many appear so narrow they all but disappear. But even if you cannot always see them, you can hear them: hammers bang on metal; voices shout to each other; a child cries; and hand-drawn carts rattle over the Talaa Kebira, the medina’s main thoroughfare.
E. In Fez, the streets and cafes are dominated by men. While women can be seen outside buying groceries or shopping for other household supplies, they are always moving. It is men who linger in cafes over glasses of mint tea and in shops holding conversations with friends. The public visibility of only one gender may tie to persistent patriarchal attitudes: in a poll taken from 2011 to 2013 by Afrobarometer, an independent research group in Africa, only 50 % of respondents in Morocco were in favour of women’s equal opportunities, compared to 75 % of those in eastern and southern Africa.
F. Women and girls admire mannequins modelling colourful kaftans and takchitas, the traditional Moroccan dresses often worn for formal occasions. These kaftans are dressier versions of what most women in Fez typically wear in the winter: long, straight robes made of polar fleece, ideal for covering up and keeping warm, as most houses in Fez do not have heating. Other women choose to wear jeans and jackets. It also is not uncommon to see women who do not wear a hijab, the traditional veil worn to cover hair.
G. Whatever the future might hold for Morocco, one thing is certain: within the medina’s ramparts, the old, unhurried way of life will continue, no matter how fast the world changes around it. “Fez does not have to rely upon its ancient structures for its claim to importance,” Bowles wrote. “Its interest lies not so much in relics of the past as in the life of the people there; that life is the past, still alive and functioning.” That holds true today. Fez is its ancient streets, but more importantly it is the people who live behind its walls.
Ответ: A B C D E F G

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Тренировочный вариант ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку №7 с ответами